Protecting the Ocean for People and Planet
OceanMind is a tech-powered global changemaker, using AI and data solutions to create a thriving, equitable, and sustainable future for all.
From Extractive to Regenerative Business Models
The economic systems we rely on are extractive and unsustainable, maximising the wealth of a few and generating vast inequity and planetary decline. Nowhere is this more true than on our ocean.
OceanMind harnesses transformative technology to redress global power imbalances and support a fair and just transition to regenerative ocean use that prioritises sustainability and wellbeing of people and planet.
Our Programmes
Livelihoods and Biodiversity
Illegal, unreported, and unregulated (IUU) fishing accounts for up to 20% of the global catch and leads to losses of up to $23 billion annually. The impacts of IUU fishing are felt most keenly by the 3 billion people in coastal communities, who rely on the sea for their food, livelihoods, and culture.
In Northwest African coastal areas alone, it is estimated that economic losses amount to 23% of the average per capita annual income.
While many damaging human activities are already regulated, the unaddressed challenge is enforcing these regulations in the wild, remote, vast ocean.
OceanMind provides enforcement authorities with insights into the damage being done in their waters and access to the best technology and training on the use of technology within modern enforcement best practices. Effective enforcement delivers food security and sustainable livelihoods for coastal communities and rebalances power imbalances between countries.
Climate Change and Emissions Reduction
The ocean has absorbed 30% of all human-caused greenhouse gas emissions since the start of the industrial revolution and 90% of the excess heat arising from those emissions. This has changed ocean chemistry and is exacerbating the impact of human activity.
The global maritime sector is currently responsible for almost 3% of all greenhouse gas emissions globally, and this is predicted to rise to 10% by 2050. At least 80% of international trade worth over $14 trillion travels over the ocean each year on a fleet of more than 50,000 bulk carriers, cargo vessels, and tankers. These vessels represent a combined carrying capacity of over 2 billion tonnes and travel over 20 billion nautical miles every year.
OceanMind tracks the emissions from this global fleet and works with shipping companies and ports to inform emissions reduction programmes.
OceanMind also tracks the movements of fossil fuels and other extracted natural resources across the ocean to identify rates of extraction and consumption and find unreported emissions sources so that we can hold polluters accountable.
Our Impact
Our Marine Compliance and Due Diligence Solutions
Effective Marine Enforcement
The ocean is critical to humanity’s future. Yet the ocean is under dire threat from human activity and climate change. While many damaging human activities are already regulated, the unaddressed challenge is enforcing these regulations in the wild, remote, vast ocean.
OceanMind powers marine enforcement and compliance, supporting government authorities and international bodies to detect, deter, and prevent illegal, unreported, and unregulated (IUU) fishing, to monitor emissions from shipping, and compliance with marine pollution regulations (MARPOL).
We use advanced technology including satellites and AI together with extensive marine compliance expertise to help authorities enforce more effectively.
Maritime Supply Chain Risks
At least 80% of international trade worth over $14 trillion travels over the ocean each year on a fleet of more than 50,000 bulk carriers, cargo vessels, and tankers. These vessels represent a combined carrying capacity of over 2 billion tonnes and travel over 20 billion nautical miles every year.
These vessels may emit noxious gases, contain hazardous goods, discharge pollution, carry invasive species, lose inventory, or run aground, posing risks to human health and to the environment. Liabilities arising from such incidents can be substantial.
Managing maritime supply chain risks requires a deep understanding of vessel behaviour and how risks materialise. OceanMind is your maritime intelligence partner using satellites and AI to identify and report high risk activities in real time.
Responsible Seafood Sourcing
The seafood industry has a powerful role to play in stopping IUU fishing through responsible sourcing policies to prevent IUU seafood from entering the supply chain. The challenge lies in verifying claims made by suppliers.
OceanMind provides deep due-diligence at the individual shipment level to ensure legality and responsible catch method for all wild capture seafood, as well as checking for indicators of labour abuse. We also provide due-diligence for supplier onboarding, and the development of responsible sourcing policies and the implementation of BSI PAS 1550, as well as reporting to support nature-based financial disclosure (ESG reporting).
Corporate Sustainability Compliance
Companies are facing an ever tightening regulatory regime to monitor and address their impacts on people and planet.
International businesses must contend with an alphabet soup of requirements from CSRD, CSDDD, TNFD, CFD, SBTi, GRI, to guidance such as the FCA anti-greenwashing rules. The core of all of these is that an organisation must understand the impact their business and supply chain has on people and planet, must document these, and set out verifiable plans for improvement.
One of the most opaque supply chain elements that most large companies have is the maritime supply chain. Whether through the transport of goods or from fishing, these supply chains have historically had significant impact on ocean health.
OceanMind makes previously invisible maritime supply chain impacts, visible. Our insights and analysis informs your non-financial reporting to ensure key impacts are identified and a credible action plan is developed.