Marine Protected Areas
Enforcing Marine Protected Areas
OceanMind uses satellites, artificial intelligence, and extensive marine enforcement expertise to help authorities monitor and enforce their marine protected areas.
Where in the past, policing MPAs required officers on the water, now even large scale, remote MPAs can be effectively enforced using satellites and modern techniques.
OceanMind pioneered new technologies for remote monitoring and surveillance, and collated best practices for enforcement by connecting flag state responsibility with port state authority.
Today, OceanMind helps ensure the sanctity of almost five million square kilometres of protected ocean, and tens of millions of square kilometres of adjacent waters.
OceanMind has analysed over 500 million square kilometres of satellite imagery in the course of protecting these ocean spaces, that’s more than one and a third times the entire ocean surface!
Contact us today to find out how we can help power the enforcement of your marine protected areas.